My Testimony – January 26, 2014

I know that I feel amazing when I do certain things. Prayer has blessed my life in so many ways. I come to my Heavenly Father with my concerns, needs, and feelings of gratitude. Although I do not hear His voice speaking directly to me, He answers with soft yet profound promptings. Many of life’s questions are answered when I read the Scriptures. Serving others is such an amazing experience. When I serve, it feels like all my problems are erased, as I realize that what I consider “problems” are nothing in relation to the trials others are currently facing. Going to Church and otherwise being in the company of like-minded individuals helps me feel loved and supported, regardless how alone in this life I may feel at times.

Although the Church’s organization, created by Jesus Christ, is perfect, its members are imperfect beings, prone to making mistakes. However, one of main goals is to perfect the Saints. The whole idea is that our loving Heavenly Father wants us to be just like Him. He wants us to continue to improve to be better and better, just like we want to constantly improve our lives. He is there for us in every possible way.

Each day I am guided by the Spirit. Knowledge I would otherwise not have comes to me through these promptings. The Holy Ghost allows me to know many details about the people in my life and people that I meet. Although sometimes I am given warnings about certain people / situations, most of the time the Spirit allows me to see untapped strengths and wonderful qualities that most people otherwise would not see in themselves.

I testify to you that I am loved by my Father in Heaven. He knows everything about me. He has a plan for my happiness, and things always work out when I let go of my own desires and put my life in His hands. His Son, Jesus Christ, has experienced all of our pains during his Atonement. The Holy Ghost guides me towards true happiness, as long as I am following the example set by my Savior, Jesus Christ. Just like in the days of the Bible, we have Special Witnesses of Christ in the form of modern-day prophets. They, led by Thomas S. Monson, allow us to receive revelation directly from our Heavenly Father. I testify that all this is true, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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