This has been an incredible weekend so far! Friday I had an opportunity to get to know someone new. After some chaotic moments, things settled down and the fun happened. Finally, we had the chance to have some really great conversations in a peaceful place. What a fun evening!
Yesterday I got to go on an awesome hike with some equally awesome friends. Of course my camera was with me, and I was able to snap one of my best pictures yet! Then I just chilled at home for quite a while. It felt good to be lazy.
It wouldn’t be a good night without stopping over to visit my neighbors, Joe, Hollie, and Adie. It’s crazy when you think about until December 31, 2012, I had never heard of the Beattys. A few months later, they let me be a guest in their home for a week. After numerous visits since then, I am now considered part of their family!
Today began with a Fast and Testimony meeting. For the second month in a row I came with no intentions of speaking, yet that fire inside got me up to say a few inspired words both times! This morning I spoke about my testimony of praying for inspiration of what Heavenly Father wants us to do instead of begging him for what we want. The main point I was making was letting go of those who have completed this Earthly journey. After losing Mom in 1992 and Dad in 2006, I have become quite familiar with the grieving process and have learned to find peace and happiness in time. I was urging others to appreciate the lessons / blessings we have from those we lost and to hang onto them instead of hanging onto wanting them back. Then my day was turned upside-down.
A young woman in the congregation was touched by my words. She recently lost a friend due to some sad circumstances. Not long after my talk she took her turn. It is not often that death is brought up during Sacrament / Testimony meetings in the LDS Church. I happened to be softly locking my fingers together on my lap. Her testimony of listening to the promptings of the Spirit touched me so much that I had begun squeezing my hands together. Needless to say, we had an incredible talk once Sacrament was over. I am grateful that we have been able to enter each others’ lives!
As a new member, I was finally set apart for my first calling. I am now the Photography Specialist in the McQueen Ward. My original responsibility was pretty simple. I have been coming up with some incredible ideas on how I may really magnify this calling and bless others!
Right after that I stopped over by my friends, Mike and Elizabeth. Mike had offered to help me start my family history. After losing contact with most of my family and not having parents to turn to for help, I realized that with the tools available to Church members, I was able to find some incredible resources about my parents!
Right after that, I have been honored to finally receive my Patriarchal Blessing! Some things that were said really touched me, as you might expect. There were some things I really believed would be mentioned, but I guess I will have to seek my answers through personal prayer.
Sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I become sad. With weekends like this, I have to keep reminding myself of these times. Those rough times have come. They will come again. You just have to have faith and remember that these wonderful times will come again!