Today I am grateful for having such an amazing Father!!! Of course I would have never felt this way when I was younger; it all depends on your perspective. If you’re not grateful for the things you have and you’re asking for more, what makes you think you’ll be grateful if you get the things you are asking for? He didn’t love me the way I wanted to be loved; I was too young and immature to understand Dad’s way of loving me.
No, he wasn’t the warmest guy. This photo was from just under 27 years ago today – June 27, 1987. We didn’t always do a lot of things together, but at least we hit up seven White Sox games; those were probably my best memories with him. He had a short temper. He yelled and screamed like a two-year-old to get what he wanted at times. He gave me a hard time about using the car, even if it was going to otherwise sit in the garage each night. He was sometimes controlling about the phone. Enough of the negativity; I am just as imperfect as him.
When you see things through a different set of eyes, you see so much love. The guy taught me everything I will ever need to know about being an unwavering husband. The guy did EVERYTHING to give us what we needed. Since he wasn’t a Harvard (or even a high school) graduate, he had to work a crappy job. Even in his old age, he did laborious work outside in weather from blizzards to humid summer days in the sun. He did the best he could given his existing circumstances. He raised us the best he could with barely knowing his own Father before he also passed. Dad taught me to be strong and persistent; for that, I am forever grateful!